BW90b3JvbGEgcjI2MDAgc2VydmljZSBtYW51YWwucmFybGtqaAbW9);SELECT PG SLEEP(5)--
Sleeping In PostgreSQL ... To sleep for 5 seconds, try the following: > select now(); select pg_sleep(5); select now(); now ... We're eager to share our experiences; check out PG Casts, a series of free weekly PostgreSQL.... MySQL sleep() command injection attacks: how not validating your ... The other day I noticed several hung queries (SELECT statements) on.... Once we logged in, we noticed that all the selects were waiting for table level ... There, we found a SLEEP(3) attached with OR to the query.. SELECT pg_sleep(10); pg_sleep ---------- (1 row) Time: 10072.794 ms. The most interesting usage is adding this function into a query.. Does pgsql have a waitfor statement like t-sql. Yes, pg_sleep: pg=> SELECT pg_sleep(10); pg_sleep ---------- (1 row).
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